Digital Radiography, or DR, is the future of X-ray. This new X-ray technology creates images in seconds like a digital camera, and at a lower X-ray dose. The X-ray dose is often similar to the normal background dose in the environment, or the exposure from flying in an airplane across country. SimonMed Imaging uses some of the newest digital X-ray technology available. This technology has both advancements in the hardware and advanced post processing software using artificial intelligence (AI) type algorithms to improve the images and their analysis.
Getting an X-ray now takes seconds, and this is why we have walk-in availability at all SimonMed Imaging offices (as permitted by insurance). Wait times may vary depending on time of day, so please plan accordingly. Check out our wait queue at http://xray.simonmed.com to see how many patients are ahead of you.
If multiple exams are scheduled at the same time, X-ray may be scheduled as well. Please talk with our scheduling specialist if you have any further questions.

Why Choose Us
SimonMed Imaging and its affiliates have been serving the community for over 30 years. Our mission is to provide best-in class affordable care through the use of advanced technology. We have patient-focused staff and highly trained medical professionals.
SimonMed has over 160 convenient locations across 11 states and provides late night and weekend appointments to accommodate patients.