Take a virtual tour of our new Mobile On-site Mammography unit! Click on the link below to see inside.
MOM is dedicated to the early detection of breast cancer.
For almost 30 years, MOM has brought screening services to women—where they work and where they live. Today, MOM is the major provider of mobile breast cancer screening services to women in Arizona, Nevada and soon to launch in Florida MOM is FDA approved, contracted with major insurance carriers and HMO insurers, and committed to early detection for you and the women you care about most.
MOM is now part of the SimonMed family. We look forward to continuing to provide service for patients in Arizona, Nevada and Florida. Stay tuned for more news about MOM and our continued growth throughout the US.
1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. When caught early, the 5-year survival rate is almost 100%. The stats may be familiar, but the solution is new and life-saving: Only a 3D Mammography exam finds 20-65% more invasive breast cancers. MOM uses 3D Mammography for its superior results. Now is the time. A 15-minute exam can and does save lives.
Moms, sisters, daughters, men: Find 15 minutes to catch breast cancer. The sooner you start the better the outcome can be. The Hologic® 3D Mammography™ exam used by MOM is the only mammogram FDA approved as superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D mammography alone. Schedule your exam or a group exam at 800.285.0272.
Know before you go- The exam takes about 15 minutes
- MOM is contracted with major insurance carriers and HMO insurers
- MOM is FDA approved
- MOM has Mammography Board Licensed Technologists, accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).